Create a Team
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A team is essentially a smaller group of people who have a specific mission, that aligns with the overall vision of the organization. Multiple teams can have different missions but all move towards the same vision, even if they operate at different speeds, locations or domains of work.
The team should have a descriptive name, which can be like a category of work for the organization.
The description should feature a short summary of the mission, so people who look for work can find what they are interested in quickly.
Working files can be any external files that help contributors understand the current state of the team.
Make sure you add a complete URL, otherwise, there might be an error.
Assign a team lead to the team to make clear who is responsible for the team's actions. This is a person who either initiated the team or has a complete understanding of the actions and progress. Ideally the person should be able to point new contributors to relevant projects or connect them with the right experts.
You can set the team to public or private. Private teams can only be seen by you and the people you invite personally to work on projects.
When the team is live, you will see the following as a summary on the sidebar:
The following step will ask you to create a function. If you are just starting an organization and don't have set roles yet, feel free to skip it.
Otherwise, if you already have people executing recurring workflows, go to Create a Function