Budget Splitting

This workshop assumes that you either have a specific budget for a team or are assuming the cost of a project, but lack clarity over each contributor's value.

This can be at the start of a project, after delegating a list of tasks in an Agile Sprint Scoping [60-90 min], or to distribute retroactive compensation after a project.

When splitting up compensation for collaborative projects, the goal is to review and determine how much should be allocated to each contributor. This equitable distribution ensures that everyone is happy with their share of the budget.

List all participants

First, make sure you list all contributors in a row. They are shown as the yellow post-it's in the image above.

Discuss tasks

Everyone should explain what they are (or were) working on. Go into detail and provide as much context as possible. See orange post-it's above.

Complete and elaborate

Allow everyone else to add unrecognized work to the tasks.

Rate each task

Ask everyone to rate each task between 1-5. Either by discussing or by asking everyone to rate individually and calculating the average. If there is disagreement, place the numbers next to each other and align on what feels right.

Calculate the distribution

Add all ratings (total of 17 in the example above) and execute the following calculation:

  1. [Total budget] / [Total of all Ratings] = [Budget per rating point] (e.g. $2,550 / 17 = 150)

  2. [Rating for each task] * [Budget per rating point] = Fair compensation per task (e.g. for workshop facilitation: 4*150=$600)

Last updated