Tips & Tricks

A list of tips and tricks when answering support queries

Start off by identifying the product the customer has questions about

This will save you time and narrow your scope.

Do not try to solve problems unrelated to Aragon.

If a customer is having an issue with his Metamask wallet not registering tokens deposited to the Ethereum address, ask the user to talk to Metamask support.

You would save your time as well as customers time as he is better off getting qualified support from the respective Product Team.

Do not overcommit to helping customers

It is okay to say you can not help or the question is out of the scope of the support. Ask the customer to ask it on Discord. Perhaps another user already knows the answer.

Also, please follow up with the customer to find out what they arrive at. This way you will be able to help the next customer with a similar problem.

Learn more about the questions you did not know the answer to

All knowledge base sources support search functionality. Once you find what you were looking for, move around it. Read other related articles to expand your own knowledge. We also recommend browsing through StackExchange, Google-Fu and asking in the Discord.

Always try to reproduce the issue

If you can not reproduce the issue the customer is facing, this is likely a local setup problem.

Ask to:

  1. Clear browser cache & restart

  2. Try another browser

  3. Reinstall wallet

  4. Try VPN

  5. Try another machine

If the is something that you have managed to reproduce, report it to the Aragon Developer Team. Communicate how to reproduce the issue. Then, notify the customer once the issue has been resolved.

Ask for the type of Software and Hardware the customer is using

The way you resolve issues might vary based on the customer's machine.

Attempting to reproduce a Windows Aragon CLI installation issue on macOS is rather useless due to the nature of the problem.

Verify that the version of the Software is suitable

The issue might be due to a customer having an inceptive software version.

For example, Aragon CLI only works with node v10-v12

Do this when it should work but it is not working
  1. Clear browser cache & restart

  2. Verify the actions the user is doing

  3. Try another browser

  4. Reinstall all applications

  5. Try VPN

  6. Try another machine

Use Grammarly to write better responses

Be positive and kind, but not too engaged

Being too engaged could lead to overcommitment.

Do not be personal

You are representing Aragon for that customer. Try to say "we" instead of "I". However, if you are making a suggestion, say "I" unless otherwise stated.

Try to do as much as possible by yourself. Do not be afraid to make mistakes.

Last updated