Quick Start Guide

Ready to join the Tech Support Guild?

Here is a list of recommended steps to get you started on your journey to becoming a Tech Support Guild Member!

  1. Read the Gitbook documentation, self-assess if your skills and experiences are a good fit.

  2. Read the Operations document to understand how the guild works.

  3. Look through the guild's Discord Channel for announcements and to familiarize yourself with day to day communications.

  4. Fill out the general contributor onboarding form and make sure to select Tech Support as your desired role.

  5. Leave an intro in the # 👋 | intros channel.

  6. Join the next Guild Meeting/Office Hours every Tuesday at 03:00pm UTC. More information can be found in the Operations document. Here you can introduce yourself to Guild Members and find answers to any of your questions.

  7. Wait for the Head of the Guild or Guild Member to reach out to you for next steps

Additional Highly Recommended Steps

  1. Create your own DAO with Aragon

  2. Familiarize yourself with the types of support request for Aragon Products

  3. Read the technical documentation for the Aragon Product you are most interested in

  4. Study the Aragon Smart contracts

Last updated