Take the Next Step!

So what happens next?

First, Get to


Next, Join our Discord!

When you first join the discord, you will see a message at the top that says you must complete a few more steps before you can talk in the server. At the top of your screen, it should look something like this:

This is an extra security measure for the safety of our members. If you've been been through this type of verification, then skip the rest and dive right in! If not, don't worry. We'll walk you through the process!

  1. First, click the Complete button -> It should now give you a pop-up window where you can agree to the server's terms and conditions.

  2. Agree to the Server Rules -> Click the checkbox once you've read through them and click Submit.

  3. Start Verification -> Navigate to #instructions and click Start Verification. This will open up a new channel, which will house your very last verification step!

  4. Complete the CAPTCHA -> Navigate to the new channel that has opened up with the red notification under CAPTCHABOT and complete the CAPTCHA process. If done successfully, once you hit Submit, you will receive access to the full server!

  5. Jump in! Now that you're in, feel free to jump into the conversation. Each channel has a description (at the top of the page for desktop/in the sidebar for mobile). If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We're here to help!

Last updated