Quick Start Guide ->

Interested in Astro? What now?

Get to know Astro and join the discussion!

Astro-UI Discussions: The perfect place to get answers to any and all of your questions! Make sure to read through what others have already posted. Your question may already have been answered. -> https://github.com/near-daos/astro-ui/discussions

Connect with us!

Twitter -> https://twitter.com/AstroDao

Discord -> https://t.co/hF6NzzHOYx

Telegram -> https://t.me/cryptonear

Governance Forum -> https://gov.near.org/

Learn more about Astro and NEAR!

GitHub Repository -> https://github.com/near

Check out our DAOs -> https://app.astrodao.com/all/daos

Take a look at some of our Educational Resources -> Astro Education

Start your DAO!

Start your DAO at https://app.astrodao.com/create-dao-new! If you would like help, we would be happy to assist you along the way. In our Discord community, we have Office Hours and Seminars! Please feel free to join. We also answer questions in our Discord text channels, as well as on Telegram!

Enter the DAOcubator Program!

The Astro Daocubator Program funds and mentors new DAOs on Astro! Create your own DAO today and apply for DAOcubator in no time! Already created a DAO on AstroDAO? Awesome! Fill the form to apply for DAOcubation today! https://daocubator.org/form


Once you’re familiar with the landscape, help others find their way. We have many ways to contribute. From answering questions on Discord to becoming a DAOstructor, we provide many options for members to contribute to our ecosystem.

Last updated